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Updated:2015-12-15     Source:China Satellite Communications Co. Ltd.

APSTAR-9    APSTAR series satellite is owned and operated by APT Satellite Company Limited

APT has procured APSTAR-9 Satellite, a DFH-4 platform provided by CASC (China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation). APSTAR-9 will be located at 142E orbital slot to replace APSTAR-9A satellite. APSTAR-9 is equipped with 32 C-band and 14 Ku-band transponders. C-band coverage consists of one broad beam for Asia Pacific region (“AP Beam”) and one enhanced beam for South East Asia (“SEA Beam”), suitable for video broadcast, VSAT networks and cellular backhaul services, Ku-band will cover West Pacific and East India Ocean region, providing DTH, VSAT, mobility services such as maritime and inflight connectivity.

APSTAR-9 satellite was launched successfully on 17 Oct 2015.

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